Thursday 15 August 2013

Let us celebrate Independence day

I wish you all a happy independence day! 65 years ago today, after more than 200 years of struggle, and through the means of peace, not violence, we defeated the greatest empire in the world of that time. We won the priceless, most precious commodity, and a basic human right: freedom.

The freedom fighters fought so that they could secure the future of the country, so the future generations could live in a country free of oppression, segregation and bloodshed. But has it gone as they dreamed?

Some say it was like out of the fire and into the frying pan. In the void that was after the British left, things fell into the hands of cruel landlords, merchants, corrupt politicians. The poor faced discrimination on the basis of caste and creed. The common man, i.e, the middle class bore the burden of new taxes and increasing prices. Women were oppressed and were dealt with great cruelty. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. In the riots between Hindus and Muslims, millions died horrible deaths.

Now, more than six decades later, ask yourself, are things really that bad?

True, the caste system has managed to drag itself to this century, but is there a lot of discrimination based on it today? Caste is dying, slowly, but surely. The youth, we youth, are aware of what's happening in the country, and we have the courage to judge and the will and strength to act. Hindus and Muslims co-exist more or less peacefully. Hindus celebrate Ramzan and Muslims celebrate Diwali.

We hear of unspeakable crimes committed against, crimes of violence and discrimination. But we fight against it, we protest. We demand action. We demand change.

There still are problems, like corruption, illiteracy, unemployment, high population. But we have retained that great commodity, the most powerful tool: freedom. We retain the power to change the course of our future. True, these problems are too great for any one man to solve, but together, as free people, we can do amazing things. We can do anything, we can be anything, because our freedom fighters passed on freedom as our inheritance.

So today, on the 66th anniversary, don't forget to celebrate freedom. Don't forget to wish everyone a happy independence day!