Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Naked Determination, by Gisela Gausmann: My review


‘Naked Determination.’ What do you think when you see this. You can’t quite figure out what it means, eh? But it has quite a simple meaning.In the author's own words:-
" N a k e d ?
When I first heard the name I had actually checked the dictionary, right there at the office, to see if they could use the word naked the way they did. Indeed, the dictionary had proven them right: Another definition than the typical one was, without the customary covering or bare of something.
Wasn't this what so many people desired in the 21st century? Yes, it was! Was that part of Naked Pizza’s incredible success? That with one single word they could relate what they were about… We had enough of flowering political phrases, swayed media, unhealthy additives… we, the people of the 21 st century, like things straight forward. We like things naked because naked means bare off additives."

Gisela Hausmann tells you about that kind of determination in her book. I say tells, not preaches, because, as she says it herself, this isn't a self-help book. It does not give you directions to happiness or peace or success. She just presents anecdotes from her life, the challenges of it, and how she faced them and triumphed. It is almost like you're conversing with her! And that is why it inspires so much.

 As someone told the great Bill W. once, “Don’t talk at them, talk to them.”

 She writes about her travels around the world, and her experiences working at various places, from Hollywood to a high school.

There are chapters on all things that plague and cheer us  - dating, love, friendship, trust, attitude towards work, sex, fashion,  and a lot more.

There are chapters where she tells you how only sheer determination she travels across the world to places such as China, Moscow, Ladakh, as far as Mongolia, sometimes in not so good conditions.

The chapters where she travels to places across the world are truly inspiring, such as her account of her visit to Harbin, China.

In the month of January, the place gets extremely cold, so cold, in fact, that you need some sort of protection for your mouth, because the moisture on your lips would freeze due to severely cold temperature.But the atmosphere is festive, instead of gloomy! The people of the town cut ice from the frozen Songhua river and carve them into graceful and exquisite figures to celebrate the season! The chapter is amazing to read!

There's also an interesting chapter about the great recession. When people around the world were mourning the loss of their jobs and livelihoods, she used her skills to switch to a completely different field from her former one, and using her skills and determination, she not only survived, but excelled at her job. Here the lesson is 'Going the extra mile.'

I could list many such chapters. In fact, I would list all. Each one is fantastic. Like the chapter where she gets a once in a life time opportunity and takes it, even at the risk of getting arrested. The message delivered by it is,'If you get a chance, take it, “Once in a lifetime means ‘1x’ or most likely ‘never’.''
The foremost message given by the book is courage and hard work conquer all.

The biggest praise I can give it is to say,"Place it beside 'The Alchemist' in your book shelf." Or rather your e-book shelf.