Saturday, 29 December 2012

A fire shall rise

My first post


I was very excited about posting my first ever blog. In fact, I created a blog a long while ago, but couldn't think of anything great to start it. But today, after things have peaked, I couldn't wait any longer.

I originally wanted to explain the address of my blog, that is, why I chose the title, '
batmanisjustasymbol'. But when news of the death of Nirbhaya, the 23 year old medical student who was brutally gang raped(a word that is being thrown around almost casually in all media) in a bus, I felt compelled to write my feelings about it.

My feelings, when I saw this news when I woke up in the morning, was an amalgam of despair,anger, hopelessness, angst, disgust. People all over the country, for the past week, had been hoping that she would survive and become a symbol for everyone, but it was not to be.

She is gone; She died without ever seeing if the monsters who ravaged her ever came to justice. But has she died in vain?

I should hope not.

 She has left behind a fire, in the form of all the citizens of India who are demanding that the perpetrators of the heinous crime, be punished, as severely as possible, that the laws put into place to protect the citizens be put into action.

She has ignited a fire, which is up to us, the citizens to keep aflame, until every and any such case has been concluded and the guilty are punished.

Are we up to it? Yes, this time, the fire shall rise. We will not be mere spectators this time, while our politicians, our leaders make pretty speeches about morals and justice while circumventing the problem. We shall demand true justice and not sit quiet until it has been served. We shall fight for it.

When someone asks us now, "Are you afraid after what happened in Delhi?", we shall say

"No, I'm not afraid. I'm angry."


                                    A FIRE SHALL RISE!